Our medical insurance covers the treatment of healthcare conditions incurred following sickness and/or accidents.
- Optional limitation coverage per person per year
- All diagnostic endoscopic procedures and all surgical procedures
- One-day treatment basis (endoscopy, gastroscopy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy etc.)
- Emergency treatments (medical/ surgical) are fully integrated under this plan
- Pre-operative tests are covered under the In-Hospital Plan
- Physiotherapy treatment related to a covered hospitalization
- Maternity is covered after 300 days waiting period (unless continuity is provided). When it is covered, babies are granted a Guaranteed Renewability from day 14, whatever their state of health is. They are covered free of charge till the end of the current contract
- Coverage of Parental Accommodation benefit that provides a "free of charge" extra-bed for one parent accompanying a confined child aged less than 18y
- All emergency hospitalization abroad will be covered up to optional per person per year. This additional cover excludes pre-existing cases.
- Additional features: Nursery/Incubator for newborn covered with limitation of days, Transient Neonatal Jaundice, Dialysis sessions for Acute Renal Failure (initial admission), Surgery related to Cornea transplant, valves relating to heart surgery, unlimited prosthesis related to post-traumatic accidents, prosthesis following sickness limited to optional per prosthesis, epidurals related to covered maternities...
- Ambulatory (AM)
- AL-BADIA covers at either 85% or 100% the Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with optional number of transactions which do not require a stay in the hospital. The services are done through our TPA. Network covering all the geographical agreed territories.
- Diagnostic Tests includes the following: Radiology, C.T. scan, MRI, VCT 64, Pet Scan, Ultrasonography, Laboratory tests, Nuclear medicine tests, Electroencephalogram, Electrocardiogram, Electromyogram, Audiogram, Stress test, Evoqued response, Occular Angiography, Thallium Myocardic Scintigraphy, Echocardiography, Holter monitoring.
- Prescription Medicines (PM)
- AL-BADIA covers at 85% or 100% the Prescription Medicines with optional number of transactions. It is an optional rider to our product. Using the medical access card, you can get your prescribed medicines from the nearest pharmacy with our TPA network.
- The cover includes and is subject to the following:
- Medications registered and approved by the Ministry of Health of each region and prescribed by your attending physician
- Easy access to the wide network of pharmacies
Doctor’s Visits (DV)
The Doctor’s Visit benefit is an optional rider. It covers the physician’s consultations fees.
The main advantages of the DV plan are the following:
- Medical consultations at any registered physician’s clinic.
- In clinic diagnostic services (under the AM benefit).
- Vaccinations (under the PM benefit).
- Optional transactions per person per year with a maximum charge (to be agreed) – per consultation.