AL-BADIA insure all contractor risks and all erection risk to protect investors and contractors from unforeseen events that cause financial loss to their construction works or other engineering project.
Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) Insurance: compensates the owner and/or the main contractor or sub-contractors for unexpected and sudden material losses and not exceeding the value of the project (the amount of insurance).
- Fire, Lightning, Explosions
- Floods, Inundations
- Windstorms of any kind
- Earthquakes
- Thefts, Burglaries
- Bad workmanship, Lack of skill, Negligence, Malicious acts or Human error
- Third Party Liability (Material Damage, Bodily Injury Death & Permanent Disablement)
Project Machines and Equipment Insurance: covers unforeseen and sudden physical loss of or damage to the insured items (plant, machinery and mechanical equipment at work or during maintenance operations).
- Fire & Explosion
- Theft
- Coup & Collision
Project Machines and Equipment Installation Insurance: covers unforeseen and sudden physical loss of or damage to the insured items during the equipment installation.
- Errors that occur during the equipment installation
- Equipment installation damage during the maintenance cover period
- Third Party Liability (Material Damage, Bodily Injury Death & Permanent Disablement)