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AL-BADIA insure all contractor risks and all erection risk to protect investors and contractors from unforeseen events that cause financial loss to their construction works or other engineering project.


  • Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) Insurance: compensates the owner and/or the main contractor or sub-contractors for unexpected and sudden material losses and not exceeding the value of the project (the amount of insurance).


- Fire, Lightning, Explosions

- Floods, Inundations

- Windstorms of any kind

- Earthquakes

- Thefts, Burglaries

- Bad workmanship, Lack of skill, Negligence, Malicious acts or Human error

- Third Party Liability (Material Damage, Bodily Injury Death & Permanent Disablement)


  • Project Machines and Equipment Insurance: covers unforeseen and sudden physical loss of or damage to the insured items (plant, machinery and mechanical equipment at work or during maintenance operations).


- Fire & Explosion

- Theft

- Coup & Collision


  • Project Machines and Equipment Installation Insurance: covers unforeseen and sudden physical loss of or damage to the insured items during the equipment installation.


- Errors that occur during the equipment installation

- Equipment installation damage during the maintenance cover period

- Third Party Liability (Material Damage, Bodily Injury Death & Permanent Disablement)

Download our Engineering Insurance Form 

Step 1: Download the Form

Step 2: Fill it & Sign it

Step 3: Go to the Contact Page

Step 4: Submit



Baghdad - Karada - Al Masbah Cross - Arasat Al Hindiya Entrance


Erbil - Bakhtiari - Gaylan Stationery Building - 4th floor ​


Basra - Abbasia - Old Kia Street


+964 7818782725

+964 7803000328

+964 7809000253


+964 7800088888​

+964 7818782725

+964 7809000253

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